Monday, September 21, 2015

Rambutans and Grill Cheese Sandwiches

For those who know me, know that I am somewhat of a picky eater. Up until recently, if I read 'gazpacho' or 'chimichuri' on a menu, I'd run for the hills! (Now luckily, I can google it at the table.)

We didn't experiment with foods when I was growing mom and dad were meat and potatoes people. Back in the 80's, when my dad was out of town, my mom would feed us 4 kids macaroni and cheese and to make it healthier, she'd add a can of stewed tomatoes. We all hated it. Why would you ruin good old Mac n' Cheese with tomatoes?!?! Now as a parent with at least one picky eater of my own, I understand how difficult it can be to make everyone happy at the dinner table.

I went through my own phase of rotating a menu of meat and potatoes, chicken and rice and spaghetti. This phase lasted until I was about 41. (I am 41). I have no idea how to cook, what to cook and most of the time, I don't have half the ingredients required to make a delicious "foodie" meal. When I started packing for our move to Panama I went through my spice rack. Three jars of tarragon, four jars of ground cumin, three little can thingys of dry yellow mustard and an assortment of other common spices. It seems at least three or four times over the past six years I tried a new recipe requiring tarragon and the like. My sister-in-law inherited all the spices. She's the best cook in the world and was the person that inspired me  to try cooking new menu ideas, hence the box of 40 unopened and stale spices!

My biggest fear about moving to Panama was how to buy and cook food. Ok, my biggest fear was tarantulas...but this blog is about food. I'll save creepy crawlies for another day. For the first 5 weeks my daughter, the 16 year old vegetarian and all around picky eater, survived on grill cheese sandwiches and pineapple. Food she is familiar with. I even had to watch a YouTube video on "how to cut a pineapple". I don't admit that to many people.

Then an amazing event occurred. My friend, Rebekah, introduced us to a road side fruit and veggie stand and more importantly...Rambutans (most people/vendors here call them lychees). As if we are going to even touch and hold a red, furry weird looking fruit, let alone eat one. She showed us how to buy them, how to open them and even how to eat one! The texture is strange, the flavour is delicious. We did it! We went outside our comfort zone and discovered a delicious new food!

As my Spanish gets a little better and I'm feeling more comfortable stopping at local roadside stands, we are eating more fresh fruits and vegetables and less grill cheese sandwiches. I still make rice, but now it's tropical rice with pineapple and coconut. Here's a recipe I found. I use vegetable broth rather than chicken broth and skip the nuts. I might even try and make my own vegetable broth. Sounds so simple, right?

As we explore this beautiful country more, our tastes will expand and sense of "menu adventure" will broaden. Although, I'm sure we'll still eat the odd grill cheese sandwich.

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